
The Palais du Pharo is made of 2 different spaces :
1. The Old Palace dating back from mid-19th century (built by Napoleon III) has been renovated to meet the accessibility standards:
  • easy access for wheelchair participants from a ramp on the left side of the building,
  • elevators and accessible restrooms
  • all conference rooms and spaces are accessible (except the stage of the room La Major)

2. The Extension where the auditorium and the exhibition areas are located:

  • access for wheelchair participants through an elevator to the exhibition areas and conference rooms
  • access for wheelchair participants through the ramp from the Pharo Garden to the terrasse Lacydon (Vieux Port side)
  • access for wheelchair participants to the upper part of the Auditorium only.

The Palais du Pharo is located in the Jardin du Pharo that is a public garden and accessible (no stairs, limited traffic).

See all the spaces by level below.


Pharo Old Palace Level 0Pharo Old Palace Level 0 Pharo Old Palace Level 1Pharo Old Palace Level 1 Pharo Old Palace Level 2Pharo Old Palace Level 2 Pharo Extension Level -1Pharo Extension Level -1
Important dates
  • 5 November 2021: Submission of proposals for workshops and tutorials
  • 17 January 2022: Submission of proposals for oral and poster papers
  • 5 April 2022: Notification of acceptance for oral and poster/demo papers
  • 6 May 2022: Final Submission of accepted oral and poster/demo papers
  • 21-22-23 June 2022: Main Conference
  • 20-24-25 June 2022: Workshops & Tutorials