Virtual Features for LREC 2022 Workshops and Tutorials

Broadcasting of LREC 2022 workshops to remote attendees will be organized by LREC 2022 Organizing Committee in cooperation with workshop organizers. LREC will provide the broadcasting and multimedia hardware as well as the software configuration, while organizers are expected to use their own laptops (2 are needed) to interact with remote participants during the workshop.


Each workshop room is equipped with one beamer, microphones (both static and wireless) and a loudspeaker system. In addition, LREC will provide a USB sound card and a USB camera in order to broadcast your audio and video stream to the remote audience.

For tutorial rooms, LREC will provide their own microphones and loudspeakers.

LREC expects organizers to bring two (2) laptops:


  1. Laptop 1 will be plugged to the beamer, camera and sound card as well as wired network. It will be used to broadcast your presentation to both the local and remote audience. Please make sure it is equipped with a VGA or HDMI port and at least 2 USB ports (preferably 3). A network port or USB network adapter is mandatory to ensure good streaming conditions (network cables will be provided to you).

  2. For Laptop 2, no special equipment besides network access (wired or wireless) is required. It will be used to interact with online attendees, gathering questions from the chat and replying live while the presentation is on-going.
Zoom conferencing app

As broadcasting of all workshops will be done on Zoom, please install the Zoom client beforehand on both laptops. It can be downloaded from
ELRA/LREC will send you the credentials of a preconfigured Zoom account that you will use to host and manage the event on Laptop 2, while Laptop 1 (the broadcasting laptop) can use an anonymous or personal account.



Before your workshop starts, LREC support staff will assist you with connecting Laptop 1 to all the required hardware and perform any driver setup if needed. We will also help you connect to your provided Zoom account and start the Zoom session. Both laptops will need to stay connected for the whole duration of the event, as it will not be possible to switch any of them during the session.


Managing remote presenters

When introducing a remote presenter, you will simply need to display the Zoom app on Laptop 1 (broadcasting laptop), which will allow the local audience to see the presenter and hear them through the loudspeaker system.



Important dates
  • 5 November 2021: Submission of proposals for workshops and tutorials
  • 17 January 2022: Submission of proposals for oral and poster papers
  • 5 April 2022: Notification of acceptance for oral and poster/demo papers
  • 6 May 2022: Final Submission of accepted oral and poster/demo papers
  • 21-22-23 June 2022: Main Conference
  • 20-24-25 June 2022: Workshops & Tutorials