ID |
Workshop Title |
Main contact |
Duration |
5 |
Celtic Language Technology Workshop |
William Lamb, University of Edinburgh |
half day |
6 |
The 4th Financial Narrative Processing Workshop (FNP 2022) |
Mahmoud El-Haj, Lancaster University |
full day |
7 |
The 5th Workshop on Open-Source Arabic Corpora and Processing Tools (OSACT) with Shared Tasks on Quran Q&A and Fine-Grained Hate Speech Detection |
Hend Al-Khalifa, King Saud University |
full day |
8 |
The second workshop on Sentiment Analysis and Linguistic Linked Data (SALLD-2) @ LREC 2022 |
Ilan Kernerman, K Dictionaries |
half day |
10 |
RaPID-4: Resources and ProcessIng of linguistic, para-linguistic and extra-linguistic Data from people with various forms of cognitive/psychiatric/developmental impairments |
Dimitrios Kokkinakis, University of Gothenburg |
full day |
12 |
Second Workshop on Language Technologies for Historical and Ancient Languages (LT4HALA) |
Rachele Sprugnoli, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore |
full day |
13 |
P-VLAM: People in Vision, Language And the Mind |
Patrizia Paggio, University of Copenhagen and University of Malta |
half day |
14 |
Games and NLP |
Chris Madge, Queen Mary University of London |
half day |
15 |
ISA-18, Eighteenth Joint ACL - ISO Workshop on Interoperable Semantic Annotation |
Harry Bunt, Tilburg University |
full day |
16 |
Seventh Workshop on Sign Language Translation and Avatar Technology: The Junction of the Visual and the Textual: Challenges and Perspectives |
Rosalee Wolfe, Institute for Language and Speech Processing, ATHENARC |
half day |
18 |
Challenges in the management of large corpora 10 (CMLC-10) |
Marc Kupietz, Leibniz Institute for the German Language |
half day |
19 |
Tools and Resources for REAding DIfficulties (READI) |
Núria Gala, LPL-CNRS, Aix Marseille Université |
full day |
20 |
Maria Eskevich, CLARIN ERIC |
full day |
22 |
Tenth Workshop on the Representation and Processing of Sign Languages: Multilingual Sign Language Resources |
Thomas Hanke, University of Hamburg |
full day |
23 |
6th Workshop on Indian Language Data Resource and Evaluation (WILDRE-6) |
Atul Kr. Ojha, Data Science Institute, Unit for Linguistic Data, National University of Ireland Galway |
half day |
24 |
Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Political sciences (PoliticalNLP) |
Haithem Afli, ADAPT Centre, Munster Technological University |
half day |
25 |
The First Computing Social Responsibility Workshop-NLP Approaches to Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR-NLP I) 2022 |
Mingyu WAN, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University |
full day |
29 |
18th Workshop on Multiword Expressions (MWE 2022) |
Paul Cook, University of New Brunswick |
full day |
30 |
SIGUL 2022 |
Claudia Soria, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale "A. Zampolli" |
1,5 day |
31 |
4th GLOBALEX Workshop @ LREC 2022 – Linked Lexicography |
Ilan Kernerman, K Dictionaries |
full day |
33 |
8th Workshop on Linked Data in Linguistics (LDL-2022): Revisiting a Decade of Linguistic Linked Open Data |
Thierry Declerck, DFKI GmbH |
half day |
34 |
15th Workshop on Building and Using Comparable Corpora (with Shared Task on Multilingual Terminology Extraction from Comparable Corpora) |
Reinhard Rapp, Athena R.C. |
full day |
36 |
Terminology in the 21st century: many faces, many places (Term21) |
Rute Costa, NOVA CLUNL – Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities – NOVA University Lisbon |
half day |
37 |
Legal and Ethical Issues in Human Language Technologies (LEGAL2022) |
Ingo Siegert, Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg |
full day |
39 |
SmiLa: Smiling and Laughter across contexts and the life-span |
Chiara Mazzocconi, Institute of Language, Communication, and the Brain (LPL) - Aix-Marseille University |
half day |
40 |
Perspectivist Approaches to NLP |
Gavin Abercrombie, Heriot Watt University |
half day |
41 |
ResT-UP 2 - Second International Workshop on Resources and Techniques for User Information in Abusive Language Analysis |
Raffaele Manna, University of Naples "L'Orientale" |
full day |
42 |
Multilingual Anonymization of (sensitive) language resources |
Victoria Arranz, ELDA |
full day |
43 |
Towards Digital Language Equality |
German Rigau, UPV/EHU |
half day |
44 |
Wordnets in the Deep Learning Era |
German Rigau, UPV/EHU |
full day |
45 |
Processing Language Variation: Digital Armenian |
Victoria Khurshudyan, INALCO, SEDYL, CNRS |
half day |
46 |
The 2nd Workshop on Novel Incentives in Data Collection from People: models, implementations, challenges and results |
Christopher Cieri, Linguistic Data Consortium, University of Pennsylvania |
half day |
47 |
Dataset Creation for Lower-Resourced Languages |
Constantine Lignos, Brandeis University |
half day |
48 |
Workshop on Resources and Technologies for Indigenous, Endangered and Lesser-resourced Languages in Eurasia (EURALI) |
Atul Kr. Ojha, Data Science Institute, Unit for Linguistic Data, National University of Ireland Galway |
half day |
49 |
The 16th Linguistic Annotation Workshop (LAW XVI) |
Sameer Pradhan, University of Pennsylvania and |
full day |
50 |
Language Technology and Resources for a Fair, Inclusive, and Safe Society (LATERAISS) |
Kolawole Adebayo, Dublin City University |
full day |
Accepted Workshops

Important dates
- 5 November 2021: Submission of proposals for workshops and tutorials
- 17 January 2022: Submission of proposals for oral and poster papers
- 5 April 2022: Notification of acceptance for oral and poster/demo papers
- 6 May 2022: Final Submission of accepted oral and poster/demo papers
- 21-22-23 June 2022: Main Conference
- 20-24-25 June 2022: Workshops & Tutorials