Further to the success of the two past editions of the EU Projects Village in Portoroz and Miyazaki (for the latest editions), the Programme Committee has decided to continue this initiative and to set up a HLT Village at LREC 2022.
The main objective of this exhibition for on-going HLT projects is to disseminate information by describing the activities/objectives and showing progress, either through demos, or through brochures or leaflets if the project is still at an early stage.
The HLT Village will also welcome the Sponsors Exhibition Booths.
HLT Projects Village Offer
Equipped Booth: 1,500€ including:
- 1 table, 2 chairs
- Wireless Internet connection on the booth
- A link from the LREC 2022 web site to the project’s web site
- Coffee-breaks during conference opening hours
- 1 registration for the staff manning the booth

The booth does not have to be manned all the time, but make sure you schedule presentations once or twice a day, then you can leave brochures the rest of the time.
The HLT Village will be open from June 21 to 23, 2022 during the Main conference days.
Contact: lrec@elda.org
Please fill in the form below to book your booth.